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Holistic Mental Health App for Women Of Color

MoodWellth provides comprehensive mental health support, featuring evidence-based anxiety and stress management solutions crafted by Licensed Certified Women of Color.
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Holistic Mental Health Support for BIPOC Women

A digital platform that offers holistic mental health support, including evidence-based anxiety and stress management solutions for BIPOC Women.

MoodWellth Logo

Holistic Mental Health Support for BIPOC Women

A digital platform that offers holistic mental health support, including evidence-based anxiety and stress management solutions for BIPOC Women.


Black Enterprise
FemHealth Insights
MBE Magazine
FemTech Insider
Hangry Woman

Prioritize your mental health

We meet you exactly where you are and provide content and support to help you boost and/or maintain your mental well-being.

Feel Empowered

Become more intentional in your well-being practices and feel supported and inspired on your mental health journey.

Explore our virtual wellness room

Get access to our virtual wellness room for audio and video content on everything from meditations to journal prompt sessions, exercise demos, nutrition, and style therapy.

MoodWellth Stories


This app is extremely helpful especially for those of us who have busy lives and need some extra support. A favorite feature of mine is the gratitude journal. I do a lot of thinking while I’m on walks so it allows me to jot down things while I’m walking. 🙂

Just what we need!!

This app give me the tools I need to make positive incremental changes in my life. It’s almost as if they see me, they get me. I’m also in therapy but this app truly helps fill in the gaps. Every melanated woman needs to be part of this.

Thank you!

This app has been an easy and helpful way to tap into my peace!


Do you provide additional support outside of the app?

Yes, we offer 1:1 coaching sessions with highly trained well-being professionals in the areas of stress management, anxiety, nutrition, grief, and style.

Do you provide therapy?

Though all of our guides are licensed or certified mental health professionals, we do not offer therapy, meaning we don’t diagnose, prescribe medication or treat severe mood disorders. We do offer mental health support guiding you toward habit based goals that help improve your mental well-being.

Is the curriculum for the app created by trained professionals?


Can you provide more details about the culturally sensitive approach in your anxiety and stress management solutions for women of color?

Its culturally sensitive approach in anxiety and stress management solutions involves acknowledging and addressing unique cultural factors that may impact mental health, such as stigma, discrimination, and systemic inequalities. This approach includes culturally tailored content, resources, and support networks that resonate with the lived experiences of women of color, as well as providing culturally competent therapy options and promoting self-care practices rooted in cultural traditions.

Are there licensed mental health professionals available on the platform and how are they selected?

Yes, we have licensed mental health professionals, but they operate in a coaching capacity only.

What specific features does your app offer to address the unique mental health challenges faced by women of color?

We offer an education hub and wellness room of information on everything from imposter syndrome to dealing with micro aggressions at work and navigating generational trauma often faced by women of color. We also have a coping strategies page where our professionals guide you through certain coping strategies – all created and delivered by women of color.

How is the privacy and security of user data ensured within the app?
  • Data Encryption: User data is encrypted to prevent unauthorized access, ensuring that personal information remains confidential.
  • Secure Servers: The app employs secure servers to store user data, protecting it from external threats and breaches.
  • User Consent: Users have control over their data and must provide consent before any information is collected or shared. Transparent privacy policies outline how data is used and stored.
  • Anonymization: Personal data is anonymized whenever possible to further protect user privacy.
  • Compliance: The app complies with relevant data protection regulations, depending on the user’s location.
  • Regular Audits: Regular audits and security assessments are conducted to identify and address any vulnerabilities in the system.


Do you offer personalized and customizable mental health plans to cater to individual needs?


Can you share information about any success stories or testimonials from women who have benefited from your platform?

Is there a community or support network within the app where users can connect and share their experiences?

Yes, we have a sister circle where users can safely and securely connect and share their experiences.

What resources or tools does your app provide to promote overall well-being aside from anxiety and stress management?

We provide a wellness room chock full of resources like exercise and yoga videos, nutrition content, and a style coach to help with confidence and self-esteem. Our goal is to take care of the whole person, front the inside out, by providing holistic support.

How affordable and accessible is the app considering the diverse socio-economic backgrounds of women of color?

We started the app with the understanding that there are barriers to mental health care in our communities, one of the is a financial barrier Currently, the app it free and our 1:1 sessions are very affordable at only $25 and $55 per session depending on the length of time.

Are there any partnerships or collaborations with experts in BIPOC mental health to ensure the contents relevance and effectivness?
Yes, we partner with licensed mental health professionals, nurse practitioners, certified nutritionists and our clinical advisor is a double board certified psychiatrist.


This compassionate branch of MoodWellth is devoted to meeting the unique needs of BIPOC women. Step into a supportive community where sisterhood thrives, providing healing spaces designed exclusively for your well-being. Join us in reclaiming inner peace, and embracing holistic support on your journey to wellthy living.

Hey Wellthy Mama

This  nurturing extension of MoodWellth is tailored to address the mental health needs of BIPOC moms on every step of their journey, from conception to empty nesters. We offer a wealth of information and empowerment, creating a space where motherhood and mental health intertwine seamlessly.